We have for several years dreamt of sailing from Norway to the Caribbean. We are now on our way in our little ship "Bonanza", and we'll keep you updated on this page.


The promised story...

This is a short story about how it goes when you don`t have the conscuisness to empty the toilet before it is too late.

When sailing on the canals through backyards and small cozy towns in Holland it isn`t easy to find a good place to empty a toilet. But our tank is big and to avoid worrying about possible problems to come we decided to temporally forget about our litle toilet-problem. We did empty it just before we entered the canals anyway. But as we got visitors in Amsterdam and the number of users increased from 3 to 5, the moment when the tank eventually would be full closed in rapidly. Happily unaware of our litle problem to come we left Amsterdam and set sails south through the canals. But when we stopped in the first lock on our way out of Amsterdam, Arild took a short visit down to the toilet...

While Arild was finishing his business down-stairs David was sitting on deck with the girls while the problem revealed it self. The problem is that we on our tank have a hole above water to vent the tank and let out excess air, but when the tank is full it isn`t air that comes out of the hole. When Arild pumped, David could, behind the back of the girls, see a projectile of brown, smelly water with small pieces of paper being shot from our boat. To his relief, the projectile missed the dinghy to the boat lying next to us with only a few cm and it didn`t look like anybody had noticed. As Jon came back from paying for the locks, David was putting up his best act pretending to search for the stupid boat who let out that awfull smell, sending dirty looks at every direction.(While explaining to Jon in Norwegian what had happened.)

As the sun was on it`s way down it became apparent that we would have to stop between two bridges, and there were no Marina within reach. We went back and forth between the two closed bridges searching for a place too moore. (And secretely trying to emtpy the toilet.) Litle did the kids who sang the bonanza-song for us each time we passed know about the real reason we had for passing so many times. Let`s just hope they didn`t get any fishes that they took home for dinner that evening.