It´s a wild jungle and we are leaving it tomorrow

We have now spent two weeks here in Belém, and have experienced a lot. Belém has by far exceeded our expectations. What we believed would be two weeks of moscitoes and rain turned out to be two weeks of sun, beaches, lush jungles, great food and loads of friendly people.
The trip from Belém goes straight to Trinidad, Tobago to pick up our guests for christmas before we head for Beque. the distance is 1300 nm and we plan to spend around ten days if the currents and winds are as good as we hope. In case you are wondering, we decided to drop Devils island.
On our way north we will try to update the page dayly as we have done before, but this time we will also include our position so that you can see excactly were we are if you enter the position in a mapprogram. (such as )
In case you have not noticed we have uploaded more than 60 pictures from Brazil that you could check out on the right side of the page.
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