We have for several years dreamt of sailing from Norway to the Caribbean. We are now on our way in our little ship "Bonanza", and we'll keep you updated on this page.


Enjoying Brasil

We are starting to say that every place is the best place we have been so far, but this time it is really true. Belém has everything we could wish for and much more.

David and Jon went to a hotel on an island further out in the delta last weekend to relax and enjoy some time away frome the boat. While they were away from the boat Arild and Hansi were taking some local trips around in the Amazonas from Belém.

Riding a buffalo

Since then we have been out trying to impress the local people with the norwegian dancing. We have also been to a jungle-expedition with a professor and her students from the local university, we have taken swims on beaches in the midle of the Amazonas, eaten as much beef as we ever though was possible, met a lot of nice local people and gotten bitten by quite a few mosquitos.

Arild found a nice girl to dance with

All is well with the crew of Bonanza and we are still enjoying the city where the statistics say there are 4 brasilian girls for every guy.