Arrived Mindelo! (Cape Verde)

We have now arrived Mindelo and had a great voyage over from the Canaries. The wind was mostly good and we even set a speed record one day with 156 nm over 24 hrs. As you might have noticed from our previous posts we also tested how it works to update the webpage from our sat-phone. The experience with it was good, but some messages didn´t come through. For all the parents back home: Don´t panic if we don´t update a day. It is most likely to be a technical problem with the web. It doesn´t mean that bonanza has sunk with all it´s crew.

During our trip we caught a really big dorado (picture will come later), and some really ugly thin fishes that always came on during the night and mostly just freaked out the one catching it. We didn´t eat those. We also got our first experience with flying-fish. During the day they flew through the waves next to our boat and during the night day flew onto our boat. Jon even got a flying fish in his bed. It took a while before he figured out what was vibrating between his legs, but when he realized what it was he quickly got out of bed. Waking up with a flying fish vibrating between your legs is not as amuzing as the story it creates...

We also met an other norwegian boat Animare with 5 guys our own age. It is always nice to meet other norwegian boats and especially when the crew is young...
Mindelo is the first place we have come to outside europe and a lot of things are different from the tourist-places we have been to so far. Wich is both good and bad, but mostly good. The atmosphere here is relaxed and the people are kind.
More updates will come before we leave in about a week, but untill then: keep sending messages on our sat-phone. (Our cell-phones doesn´t work here.)
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