Love is in the air...

It is not that we have fallen in love with Las Palmas, but first things first...
Jon finished a diving course here on Las Palmas. The instructor was Italian and could almost speak English, the powerpoint presentation was in spanish wich Jon don´t understand and so was the diverstables. Luckily the videos and the final test were in english. While Jon were "relaxing" on the diving course, Arild and David washed and worked on the boat. It is now starting to look like a boat that have sailed far. (Even if you don´t look at the rather obvious Norwegian flag.) Much thanks to a, from a distance, profeccional looking sun roof we had made for two botles of whisky.
Then to the reazon of the title... Some stupid fool let Amor loose on Bonanza, and even the new electrical "flyzapper" we got from Emma and Stefan could help us from the effects. Last weekend Fenny came from Holland to visit Jon and Kari came from Norway to visit Arild. David on the other hand was waiting for a certain Norwegian boat we met on Madeira. The days went by while the others went on romantic trips to other parts of the island.
On thursday David´s birthday had come and almost before he could comment on why Agape the norwegian boat hadn´t come yet, two smiling sisters were standing on pier. That certainly put the smile back on Davids face. The rest of the day was spent visiting "El buen jamon" to buy ham and sitting in the boat eating ham on white bread with olive oil. Ohh and just to top it all he first got a cake from the girls and then a cake from the lokal finnish bar where he have become a part of the family.
Now that I am sitting here writing this post, we´ve sent Kari and Fenny back to their respective countries and are waiting for Hansi to arrive tomorrow. The plan about dropping Brazil and rather go to Gambia has been rejected and we are now ready for Brazil... Or as ready as it is possible to be after a week like this. Luckily Hansi has an education that makes him suited to deal with three lovesick guys...
We have added some pictures to the atlantic islands set...
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