Muros - Islas Cies -Viana do Castelo

Trond finally came to Muros and we decided to leave the lovely little town of Muros and head south to the islands Islas Cies outside Vigo. We couldn´t have found a better place to introduce the cruizing life to Trond. The islands have large sandy beaches and numerous smaller ones, the hills are like the alps only smaller and the hillsides are green with woods and vegetation (ohh and the seagulls clean your table after you´re finished eating.)
The day on the island was by most of us spent sunbathing on the beach. Doing that the local way was a new experience for some off us as we realized the beach was a nudist beach. "When in Rome..." was said and blenda-white buttocks were exposed to more sun than they could handle.
After the day on the great islands we decided it was time to head for Portugal. We arrived yesterday to the nice little town Viana do Costello and are heading down to Lisboa today to meet some visitors. It´s 200nm down to Lisboa and if we sail the whole time we´ll probably be there on wednesday. (100nm a day if we sail both night and day.)
Our first impression of Portugal is great. The most important reason being: they speak english! Not much, but we can finally comunicate something else than "no comprende".
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