Leaving Sao Vicente and heading for Brava and then Brasil
We are soon leaving the island of Sao Vicente and heading south. We´ll take a small stop on the small island Brava in the cape verdes before we head over the litle lake for Brasil. The trip down to Brava is around one day and then we head for Brasil after spending some days on Brava. Our plan is to leave Brava on friday and head straight for Belem in the amazonas.

Here in mindelo we´ve met a lot of nice people and have really enjoyed the place. Yesterday we went to the neighbour island Santo Antão with a ferry and saw some really spectacular roads and nice villages. The whole island is filled with small terrasses in every imaginable and unimaginable hillside to prevent the soil from being washed away during rain. It is really impressive to think about al the work they have put in to it. On top of that all the roads on the island are paved. We drove 40 km over to the other side of the island and the road was spotlessly paved the whole way.

Isla Brava is supposed to be one of the smalles inhabited islands in capo verde and supposed to be one of the nicest. We really look forward to go there and perhaps find some clear water to try our snorkel-uqipment.

We´ll try to update the webpage by sat-phone every day when we are out sailing, but as you might have noticed not all messages came through. Should the webpage not be updated it does not mean that anything bad has happened to us. It only means that the update didn´t come through. (Or in the worst case, that we have become lazy.)
PS. We have also uploaded some more pictures here.
PPS. Everytime we receive a message on the sat-phone there is a real bonanza-feeling on board so keep sending them.

Here in mindelo we´ve met a lot of nice people and have really enjoyed the place. Yesterday we went to the neighbour island Santo Antão with a ferry and saw some really spectacular roads and nice villages. The whole island is filled with small terrasses in every imaginable and unimaginable hillside to prevent the soil from being washed away during rain. It is really impressive to think about al the work they have put in to it. On top of that all the roads on the island are paved. We drove 40 km over to the other side of the island and the road was spotlessly paved the whole way.

Isla Brava is supposed to be one of the smalles inhabited islands in capo verde and supposed to be one of the nicest. We really look forward to go there and perhaps find some clear water to try our snorkel-uqipment.

We´ll try to update the webpage by sat-phone every day when we are out sailing, but as you might have noticed not all messages came through. Should the webpage not be updated it does not mean that anything bad has happened to us. It only means that the update didn´t come through. (Or in the worst case, that we have become lazy.)
PS. We have also uploaded some more pictures here.
PPS. Everytime we receive a message on the sat-phone there is a real bonanza-feeling on board so keep sending them.
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