"Bonanza" is back home

Monday the 17th of July, about 1 pm, "Bonanza" arrived home port Hansnes marina in Arendal with David, Hans Olav, Ragnhild and Arild onboard, after 1 year and 2 days of sailing. Unhappily Jon could not come to join us the last leg from Merdø to Hansnes. Trond in "Orinoco", Ragnhilds parents and more boats joined Bonanza as we sailed in the Galtesund and sighted Arendal and Pollen. Arriving Hansnes, were David's parents live, a whole bunch of people, family, friends and some journalists, were there to welcome us. David's parents served cakes and coffe, and later real norwegian meatballs. That was a great day.

We will stay here some days to prepare the boat for sale, and then the trip is definitely over. It is a little bit sad, but also nice to be home again. WE HAVE HAD A GREAT YEAR! And to everybody that dream about sailing, we want to say: DO IT!

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