We have for several years dreamt of sailing from Norway to the Caribbean. We are now on our way in our little ship "Bonanza", and we'll keep you updated on this page.


Soon ready to go to sea

Arild and David are now back in Holguin, not far from Puerto Vita, where "Bonanza" hopefully has been taken good care of. We don´t doubt it. Hans Olav and Sandra are still in Havana, Sandra leaving for Austria on Sunday. Hans Olav will come back to the boat the same day. Sandra has been with us since December, and it has been a great pleasure. She has become a part of the crew.

A great view of the Vinales valley

The time some of us spent in Viñales was great, we saw and learnt how tobacco is grown in one of the best tobacco areas in the world. The valley is a UNESCO heritage site, and the landscape is very special, lush and green, and with small mountains spread around in the valley.

Harvesting tobacco leafs

Departure from Cuba is closing in. Before we can leave, we have to repair our stowe and track a problem we have in the electrical system. But, soon, probably on Monday, we will set sail for Bermuda. We will try to keep this page updated with satelitt messages as before.

The bad thing is that we will not experience 1th of May here in Cuba. Preperations are made all over the country now, and it would for sure been an memorable day!